April 2018 – Partner Update

Posted by on April 18, 2018 in Partners | Comments Off

April 2018 – Partner Update

Dear Partners,

Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life.

My message this month speaks to the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Some people want the Holy Spirit out of their lives, fearful of Him because of what they might have seen or heard about the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is our normal natural way of life in Christ and diffuses His enabling presence through all that we do in life. Listen to this message and let that Holy Spirit open your eyes to this life realized in us through Him.

And speaking of the Holy Spirit let me mention again a new series that unpacks what the Scriptures teach concerning the Spirit. We went through hours of my teaching on the Holy Spirit and found the twelve hours that summarize everything that I teach about life in the Holy Spirit. It is twelve hours of teaching, the Best of Malcolm on the Holy Spirit. If you have been around me for any time you will know that I depend upon the Spirit to enlighten, to teach and explain, to be the resident power and ability to live life – without Him in our lives there is no Christian life! The twelve hours cover a Bible school on the Holy Spirit in the language of a person who is hungry to know and receive all that is theirs in Christ. To grasp what we are talking about and the sphere in which we come to understand this series is a must for you all. You can order it today while we have a special sale: 10% off this powerful collection.

I want to begin talking about the December retreat! It is far off but for those who need to plan time off from their jobs the date will be December 7-9 2018. The subject we will be working on and listening to the Spirit for His insight throughout the year is “Discover and Live Your Inheritance”. It will be a special time in that we will celebrate my 80th birthday at the retreat. We will send further details and how you can register next month so do not call the office we are not yet taking reservations but mark it on your calendar.

We are finishing up building a new studio a few minutes from our ranch in Bandera which will better fit our needs as we plunge into many projects needing a larger studio. We have suspended the webinars while we set up the equipment in the new building and Nancy and I go for a vacation (first in 20 years) to Florida to meet with all her relatives that she has not seen in over 20 years.

Thank you in advance for the gifts of your love that you will be sending in May. You enable us to continue sharing the life transforming news of the love of God. Let me say with force– your giving is not merely dollars to support an organization. Every dollar that you send is the love of God clothed in finances and wrapped in prayer – the gift of your life joined to the Holy Spirit and sent forth to world. You and I, along with every other partner do more together than either of us could do alone in our wildest dreams. In your monthly giving you are part of my voice carrying God’s love in Christ in the power of the Spirit to the world.

If you are on Facebook , look us up at Unconditional Love LLC - and there is a lot going on there to many thousands of excited people.

To see this month’s partner letter and mp3 online please visit: http://unconditionallovefellowship.com/partners/

You may also listen to past partner mp3 messages by visiting: http://unconditionallovefellowship.com/partners/mp3-archives/

The blessing of the Lord be with you all –

Malcolm and Nancy.