February 2023 – Partner Update

Posted by on February 15, 2023 in Partners | Comments Off

February 2023 – Partner Update

Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life.


Hello Partners!

This February the month of Valentine! The media and the stores are full of words and symbols of love. There are many believers who think of God as the ultimate Valentine and in so doing miss the entire meaning of God’s love. God’s love is the opposite of the love of this world that is being messaged to us on all sides. The love of this world is the word Eros, the Greek word for what this world calls love. It means “I want for myself, my pleasure the highest, the best and the most beautiful, and want it now!” It describes a desire that is self-centered satisfying the craving of self for sensual pleasure and by its own definition is passing and can soon wither to be replaced by the latest most beautiful.

God’s love is self-giving, seeking the good and pleasure of the beloved, and not limited to the highest best and most beautiful but to all without any limitations. We do not earn His love by being the best but are loved as we are to be transformed by the love bestowed freely on us. You are not God’s Valentine, you are loved with unconditional love, declared His beloved.

We will be travelling in the months ahead and here are a few of the places we will be:

March 26 5:30pm at The Family
2473 W Liberty Road, Atoka, Oklahoma 74525

April 28-29: Module 6 of the Bible School
all students for module 6 make sure you have registered – do not wait until the last minute! Visit our website for more information at https://unconditionallovefellowship.com/about/msbi/ or call Judy at (830) 328-3770.

May 26-27: we begin another cycle of Modules with Module 1. This has been the favorite of all the students as we cover the entire course in these two full days. You can sign up for this even if you may not continue with Module 2. As we are planning the space needed for those who will be physically with us in Bandera, please call immediately to let us know you are coming. Online Registration is open now at the link above, or you can call and register for Module 1 by phone.

Both of these Modules take place during many local school graduations and Memorial Day weekend, when hotels are heavily booked. Be sure to reserve in advance, and call Judy at (830) 328-3770 and she can direct you to excellent Bed & Breakfast or hotels in nearby towns.

June 9-11: We will be in Cedar Bluff, Virginia 24609 at the Rhythms of Grace June 9,10,11. For further information call Jim Moore at (276) 220-1014. This is a church that has paid a price to walk away from religion and celebrate His grace.


I trust we will see you at one of these events as we celebrate His love.


In the love of Jesus,
Malcolm and Cheryl 

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