June 2013 – Partner Update

Posted by on June 27, 2013 in Uncategorized | Comments Off

June 2013 – Partner Update

Dear Partners,

May the blessing of the Lord be with you in these summer months. My message this month deals with Jesus the one who restores our life from all that Satan the liar, the thief and the murderer has taken from us. We hear much of Jesus the savior from sin but little of how he restores our life to an abundance that outweighs all that we have lost. I believe that these truths will bring new life and hope to so many.

We have just completed module one of a new cycle of the Bible school. It was one of the largest classes that we have had for a module one and we are excited for this new group who will be established in a life rooted and grounded in the love of God. Speaking of our Bible school we will be graduating two classes on August 1st and we give thanks to God for these who will have spent 120 hours with me learning the foundations of this faith in the God who is unconditional love.

Please note that during the summer months, because of vacations and holiday weekends, our Sunday afternoon fellowship will only be meeting the last Sunday of each month. If you are visiting the hill country of Texas on the any of the last Sundays of the summer plan to be with us to worship, enjoy the teaching and join us in the Holy Communion.

We continue to give thanks to the Lord for your gifts that enable us to reach the multitude that join us around the world for the Tuesday night webinars from the ranch at 7 p.m. central time. We have over a hundred hours of video archived, which can be watched on Malcolm’s YouTube channel throughout the week. Thousands more are receiving the podcast and so the message pours out to multiple thousands each month.

The series from the spring retreat, Standing Strong in Unstable Times, is now available on CD and MP3 download.  If you would like to order them you may call the office at 800-457-0947 or TX residents only please call toll free at 830-460-4000.  Or you may order online at www.malcolmsmith.org.  Please make sure if you are ordering through the mail that for the Retreat CD’s your check is made payable to Unconditional Love International and your donation check is made payable to Unconditional Love Fellowship.  The Retreat CD’s are $40.00 plus $10.00 shipping for a total of $50.00.

The summer months are financially challenging but we give thanks to the Lord for those of you who listen to the voice of the Spirit and sent your special gifts. Both Nancy and I thank you again for standing as one with us in this ministry of God’s love in Jesus transforming the lives of millions around the world.

May you have a blessed and prosperous summer!


– Malcolm and Nancy Smith