MSBI Online Modules: Login Instructions

MSBI Online Modules: Login Instructions

Enrolled Students: How to sign into the Online Modules at In this article you’ll find the steps to access your Modules online at, from navigating to the site, logging in, to diving into your learning dashboard. If you are not already enrolled, and are interested in learning more about the Malcolm Smith Bible Institute, click here to visit our main Bible School page. Navigating to...

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Eucharist Service

Eucharist Service

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FELLOWSHIP EUCHARIST SERVICE  CELEBRANT: The Lord be with you. PEOPLE: “AND ALSO WITH YOU” CELEBRANT: Lift up your hearts. PEOPLE: “WE LIFT THEM TO THE LORD” CELEBRANT: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. PEOPLE: “IT IS RIGHT TO GIVE HIM THANKS AND PRAISE” It is truly right to glorify You, Father, and to give You thanks. For You are face to face with the Son in the Spirit, Eternal Life, dwelling together in...

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Sunday April 23, 2023

Sunday April 23, 2023

Sunday, April 23, 2023 Speaker: Malcolm Smith WEBINAR 426 – “Meet Me in Galilee” Recorded on Sunday April 23, 2023 – Malcolm continues looking at Jesus’ actions in the days after His resurrection and the way he sat and lived, and ate with the disciples – and told them to meet Him the Galilee among the simple, common folk. Jesus spends those 40 days leading them into a new life in the new covenant. Join us in...

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Retreat Series Now Available

Retreat Series Now Available

The series from the December 2022 retreat,  LIVING NOW IN THE REST OF GOD is now available to purchase on CD or digital download at Malcolm’s online store Many speak of the life of rest that we have in Christ, but few actually live it. In these hours of teaching, Malcolm shows practically how you can live each day recognizing and receiving the gift of the Father’s rest and contentment. Find peace by Living Now in...

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June 2022 – Partner Update

June 2022 – Partner Update

Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life.   Hello Partners! Finally we have a partner message for you; it is the first of one each month from now on. You will find that this is different to partner messages before Covid. Cheryl and I were married a little over a year ago and we share this message together daily. She has her own ministry going into women’s jails with this message of unconditional love. Every morning...

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Online Modules FAQ

Online Modules FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about the Online Bible School Modules This Page is currently under construction but will serve as a place to answer some frequently asked questions about the online Bible school modules offered on at   What are the Online Courses (Modules)? For the first time, Malcolm’s Bible School meetings are being recorded and archived into an online course, so you can always go back and...

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