June 2022 – Partner Update
Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life.
Hello Partners!
Finally we have a partner message for you; it is the first of one each month from now on.
You will find that this is different to partner messages before Covid. Cheryl and I were married a little over a year ago and we share this message together daily. She has her own ministry going into women’s jails with this message of unconditional love. Every morning we sit with our coffee on our sun porch and share – I share my latest message in preparation and she gives her insights. We have decided to invite you to join us on the porch and join the conversation. Here it is and we pray it will be a blessing to you even as it is to us every day.
We want you to know our future plans so that if possible we can meet together have fellowship and share the Word of God. By the time you get this we will have been in Myrtle Beach (June 10-12) for a long weekend of meetings with the church there. When we return we will be in full preparation for Module 5 of the Bible school, where we delve into the meaning of the sufferings, death and resurrection of Jesus. This is the module that we have been moving toward since the beginning of the course. If you have completed Module 4 already, make sure you are registered for this all important weekend. We conduct the Bible school modules in Bandera and stream them live by Zoom, which has enabled us offer them to nearly 200 students covering the world. We are also building an online course as we record each new session, so students can always go back review the content. Modules 1-4 are already available online. If you are interested in the Bible School you may contact Judy for more information – text or call her at (830) 328-3770 – or visit the MSBI information page on our website for more on the Bible school modules.
The annual retreat the first weekend of December is at a new location in San Antonio, Texas this year and our subject will be the life of rest that we have in Christ. Many speak of it but few live it and we look forward to spending the weekend discovering this truth along with fellowship together. Full details can be found below, or on our website at www.unconditionallovefellowship.com/2022retreat/. Cheryl and I look forward to meeting all of you – old friends and new – hearing your story and praying with you.
[Note* We will also be having a big celebration for Malcolm's 70 years in ministry! You don't want to miss this retreat it will be one to remember! - edited in by the team at ULF ]
December Retreat Details
Title: ’A Living Rest’
Date/Time: December 2-4, 2022
Check-in is Friday morning Dec. 2nd and the first teaching begins at 2pm. Saturday goes all day with multiple teaching sessions, lunch and dinner together, and an evening prayer meeting.
We conclude the retreat Sunday morning by celebrating comminion together before we head home at around noon. The full retreat schudule is available online.
Location: Hilton by Double Tree Hotel
611 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, Texas, 78216
How to Register: Register Online here or call Judy at (830) 328-3770 to register by phone.
Remember, we also meet every Sunday at 11am CST and many join us by Zoom – if you’d like to join our Sunday church services in Zoom, just email us at malcolmsmith.org@gmail.com to let us know you’re interested in receiving the invitation each week. Thank you for your continued support through these past months. Your giving is not merely giving dollars to support an organization. You and I together are co-workers with the Father, Son and Spirit in bringing to pass the love dream of the trinity! Every dollar that you send is the love of God clothed in finances and wrapped in prayer – the gift of your life joined to the Holy Spirit and sent forth to world. You and I, along with every other partner do more together than either of us could do alone in our wildest dreams. In your monthly giving you are part of my voice carrying God’s love in Christ in the power of the Spirit to the world.
You are blessed in Christ Jesus,
Malcolm and Cheryl
If the download does not work, right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” and that should let you save the recording.
You may also listen to past partner mp3 messages by visiting: http://unconditionallovefellowship.com/partners/mp3-archives/