May 2017 – Partner Update

Posted by on May 25, 2017 in Partners | Comments Off

May 2017 – Partner Update

Dear Partners,

Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life.

Some have said that in my 79th year of life it is time to retire and from my rocking chair coast into heaven! That is not a thought I am capable of thinking! This is the year of new opportunity and going into areas of ministry that we have never touched before. And we are participating in this venture together; your gifts each month are financing this bold entrance into a generation that we have never attempted before.

We have had to rent the space in San Antonio to house our equipment and a place to produce the audio and video that we know will transform the lives of a multitude that have no concept of the love and grace of God. Thousands of Bible study groups, prayer groups meet in homes across the U.S. and Canada and in fact the entire English speaking world who have little or no direction or grounding in Bible teaching. There are Sunday school classes in many churches in the same plight not to mention individuals who seek a daily or weekly study and meditation in the truth. We have the opportunity of ministering to these searching believers via DVD and work books. We have set aside everything else and are giving ourselves to produce such material. This has put a heavy financial burden on us on a daily basis. Pray for the funds to be available and if the Spirit puts us on your heart for a special offering know that He is drawing you into this work that we are doing. Thank you to those who have already made special offerings.

My message this month is about Peter walking on the water in union with Jesus. This is applied to every part of the Christian life – we are a supernatural people – but we feel it has special application to us at this time in the ministry. We feel that we are walking on the water held by His invisible hands!

As we repeated say, your giving is not merely dollars to support an organization. Every dollar that you send is the love of God clothed in finances and wrapped in prayer – the gift of your life joined to the Holy Spirit and sent forth to world. You and I, along with every other partner do more together than either of us could do alone in our wildest dreams. In your monthly giving you are part of my voice carrying God’s love in Christ in the power of the Spirit to the world.

This may be early but I want to alert you that the Winter Retreat this year will be the second weekend of December (not the first weekend as in years past) and will be held at the Inn of the Hills in Kerrville, Texas December 8-10, 2017. The topic will be You Are More Powerful Than You Think! This will not be a rehash of old platitudes about prayer – but a bold understanding you have never heard before that will free you into a new realm of knowing yourself in Christ and praying in the boldness that is yours.

Register Online Now

If you are on Facebook we now have a business page Unconditional Love LLC – and there is a lot going on there to many thousands of excited people.

Although we are not producing new weekly webinars we have nearly 300 archived on youtube – go back and enjoy the word of the Lord! You may re-watch archived webinars here at:

To see this month’s partner letter and mp3 online please visit:

You may also listen to past partner mp3 messages by visiting:

The blessing of the Lord be with you all –

Malcolm and Nancy.