Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. Hello partners, This has been a challenging month for all of us here at the ministry. I had surgery to replace my knee in mid- August and of course prior to that days were spent in pre-operative tests – hours in doctor’s office and hospital. The surgery went very well, and the knee is healing beautifully. But that comes with a price! Hours of physical therapy leaving me with pain – but healing pain! All good intentions of getting a partner message out in the days...
read moreThrough your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. Hello partners, This partner message is going out a little late because Cindy Kimbrell unexpectedly passed through the veil to be with Christ which is far better. On July 12, she did not come into work which was very unusual. If she was going to be late or absent, she would always call me. Cheryl went to her house and called Randy to join her there. After they failed to have her answer the door, Cheryl called the wellness police, and they came and made entry into the...
read moreThrough your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. Hello Partners! Finally we have a partner message for you; it is the first of one each month from now on. You will find that this is different to partner messages before Covid. Cheryl and I were married a little over a year ago and we share this message together daily. She has her own ministry going into women’s jails with this message of unconditional love. Every morning we sit with our coffee on our sun porch and share – I share my latest message in preparation and...
read moreDear Partners, Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. I am beginning with a great thank you and praise to God for all of you who have continued to send your gifts and letters of encouragement through this long time of the pandemic when there has been little communication from us to you. Your continued giving without a monthly prod to do so thrills me – you give by the Spirit’s urging and not by my stoking your emotional fires! These days where we could not meet brought about a new dimension of ministry that...
read moreDear Partners, Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. I am beginning with a great thank you and praise to God for all of you who have continued to send your gifts and letters of encouragement through this long winter of the pandemic when there has been little communication from us to you. Your continued giving without a monthly prod to do so thrills me – you give by the Spirit’s urging and not by my stoking your emotional fires! As most of you know I was married to Cheryl back in February, and these last...
read moreDear Partners, Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. It has been so long since our last communication with you and I want to begin this letter by thanking you for continuing your support for the ministry each month even though there was no news from us in the usual fashion. Back in the spring, when all this COVID news started coming in, we had to cancel my travels and have our staff shift its focus to online alternatives. Since then we have outfitted our chapel at the ranch with cameras and sound equipment...
read moreDear Partners, Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. I apologize for the lateness of this communication but I have been overwhelmed with work and unable to sit down and talk to you until now. My message this month is very simple! It is the story of very ordinary people doing a very ordinary job who make mistakes and discover the unlimited kindness and goodness of God in the smallest details of an ordinary life. If you are at the end of your rope and look at a future that is filled with anxiety then I believe...
read moreDear Partners, Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. I am very late in declaring His blessing on your New Year but I do it knowing that His love is not limited to dates and times! I went to Colorado over the holidays and had a glorious time high in the mountains and came back to speak at a conference in Houston. It was an amazing time to watch the Spirit open the eyes of the understanding to see the love of God in a new and fresh way. That meant that January has been a very full month and a late partner...
read moreDear Partners, Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. 2019 is slipping away very quickly and at the time of this recording the retreat is just a few days away. The attendance will be one of the largest we have had for a long time and we are on tip toe of excitement as we wait to see what He will do in the lives of all who attend. We will have a full report in our next partner message. It has been a challenging year for me personally, but I report that the grace of God has been “much more abundant” in every way....
read moreDear Partners, Through your gifts you and I together are loving people to life. We have purchased and just now received new recording equipment so we will not have the problem that we had last month. You have a recorded message this month and months to come! My message looks at the prayer and blessing that John gave to one of his dear friends – it is the blessing that I give to you as we come into the holiday season of the year. It is a radical prayer-blessing that offends many Christians! It offends because it addresses our...
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